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Virtual Reality

VR is not a new technology and has over two decades of research supporting its high clinical efficacy. Guided relaxation meditation is a powerful tool for treating mental health and behavioral issues. You will choose through a series of remote locations and be prepared to awaken all of your senses in this profoundly immersive relaxing experience.

Aerial View of Beach


Imagine vacationing on a beautiful beach and receiving treatment that deepens the relaxation that you are already experiencing. While at these locations not only will you visually experience beauty, you will enjoy a fruitful snack and be awakened by the scent of the tropics


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Foot Treatment


Massage treatment

oceans and beach


Ever felt an overwhelming sense of joy, while standing next to a waterfall? The visual of moving water brings a soothing sensation and a feeling of happiness. At these locations, a bubbly drink will be served to help create that multisensory relaxation experience.


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Foot treatment

Halotherapy Treatment

Hand Treatment

waterfalls rivers
Forest Lake


Get a feeling of freshness while sitting next to a flowing river, and enjoy a fresh kombucha drink or red clover tea to help aid with digestion and lymphatic drainage, helping prepare you for your relaxation journey.


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Hand Treatment

Foot Treatment




Get cozy and feel the warmth and comfort of this location both physically and emotionally. Enjoy those special campfire treats to immerse yourself in this multisensory experience.


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Hand Treatment

Massage Treatment

Halotherapy Treatment

Infrared Treatment

campfiresand forest
Forest Path


Have you heard of forest bathing? It is the practice of getting out in nature and absorbing the forest atmosphere. In Southern Alberta this is extremely hard to do, but being able to practice this is an incredible way through Virtual Reality. Enjoy a Nutty snack along with Kombucha to help aid in digestion and relaxation


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Hand Treatment

Foot Treatment

Halotherapy Treatment

Northern Lights


Watch the dancing lights as you feel a certain peace and inner grounding. The ultimate meditative experience. Sip a warm expresso or hot chocolate prior to your VR experience to start your journey.


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Massage Treatment

Halotherapy Treatment

Hand Treatment

Infrared Treatment

north lights
Full Moon


Did you know Moonlight exposure is thought to relieve anxiety and stress and improve relaxation by prompting the natural release of melatonin? Sip a warm expresso or hot chocolate prior to your VR experience to start your journey.


Recommended Spa Treatments:

Massage Treatment

Halotherapy Treatment

Hand Treatment

Infrared Treatment

the moon
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