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Best Skincare Routine in your 40's: Moisturize, Hydrate and Rejuvenate

Updated: Apr 17

Aging is a normal part of life and there truly is beauty in getting older. However, once you reach your 40s, the skincare routine you followed in your 20s and even in your 30s will no longer have the same results. As you increase in age, soft facial tissue begins to lose elasticity, and the effects of aging start to leave its mark. 

Over time, you will begin to see a more frequent appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles, plus a loss of collagen and hormonal changes.

(Don’t worry, there are great skincare routines for your 50s as well!)

Though the aging process can not be reversed, there are certain preventative steps that can be incorporated into your skincare routine to slow down the visible effects. If you struggle to upkeep a regular skincare routine, finding the right products that work for your skin will make a significant impact on your ability to be consistent. Good products lead to stellar results making you incredibly inclined to maintain a routine! It is never too late to start caring for your skin. Here is a breakdown of the best skincare routine for when you’re in your 40s.

How Your Skin Changes In Your 40s

You can have beautiful skin in your 40s, even skincare experts agree. Like in your teen years, your body and skin will go through a transformation in your 40s. One of the biggest changes to expect in your 40s is loss of muscle volume. Skin cell turnover has slowed down, leaving the skin with less collagen and elastin. Plus hormone levels start to change. Due to both intrinsic and extrinsic aging, people over 40 struggle with a variety of age-specific concerns, including breakouts, sun damage, and even a change in skin tone and texture. 


As we age, our female hormone levels start to change. A decrease in estrogen and an increase in progesterone can cause acne and breakouts, even for those who may have never experienced breakouts in their teens. Breakouts may appear along the jawline, forehead, cheeks, mouth, or nose. While this isn’t rare for women in their 30s and 40s, there are promising skincare solutions that can help.

Sun Damage

The sun is one of the biggest environmental factors that leads to premature aging. Sun damage starts to become more pronounced and visible as our skin’s natural defenses against the sun weaken. You may think that the damage is already done, however it is never too late to start incorporating SPF into your skincare routine. Sunscreen is the most important product to wear on your face every day, not just on beach days.

Skin Tone

A change in skin tone is also quite common for people in their 40s. Sun exposure from your 20s may show up in dark spots, while a change in hormone levels may be the reason you are experiencing hyperpigmentation. Unwanted pigmentation may also appear due to the damage done by free radicals. By 40, the skin’s cell turnover process and collagen production have also slowed dramatically, leading to a dull complexion.

Skin Texture

As estrogen levels decrease, the skin will become drier and require more hydration. Dry skin can lead to wrinkles and fine lines. Skin texture may also change due to the depletion of collagen and elastin, leaving the skin thin and delicate. Using products with active ingredients, exfoliating, and applying moisturizer regularly can help improve skin texture.

What Are the Best Ingredients to Use in a Skincare Routine Over 40?

As our skin changes, so do our needs. Once our skin cell turnover process begins to slow, the effects of aging become more apparent. When creating an anti-aging skincare routine in your 40s, you must find the right ingredients for your age-specific needs. Products with active ingredients can help smooth fine lines, even skin tone, and reduce the visibility of wrinkles.


Retinoids are most commonly used for the treatment of aging. They help increase collagen production and elasticity in the skin. Retinoids are a type of vitamin A that contains antioxidants to help prevent cell damage and speed up the skin cell turnover process. Consistent use of retinol serums can significantly improve fine lines and wrinkles, giving you fresher, plump skin. It also helps to improve skin texture and hyperpigmentation

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in our skin, which is why youthful skin is hydrated. As we age, the amount of hyaluronic acid in our skin begins to decrease. This eventually leads to dehydrated skin and wrinkles. Incorporating a hyaluronic serum into your skincare routine helps preserve the skin’s hydration and reduce the signs of aging. It also offers immediate hydration on the outer layer of the skin and penetrates deep for long-lasting hydration throughout the day. 


Adding a product with peptides to your skincare routine will help your skin appear more youthful. Peptides are fragmented proteins that boost collagen production, giving you smoother and firmer skin. When applied regularly, peptides can reduce the appearance of fine lines, smooth out the complexion, help tighten the skin, and strengthen the skin barrier.


Niacinamide is another ingredient proven to benefit people in their 40s. It helps to build keratin that strengthens the skin barrier and improves the appearance of aging facial skin. With frequent use, niacinamide can reduce fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, elasticity, and poor texture. Niacinamide also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help diminish redness and blotchiness. Pair niacinamide with an AHA serum (or use one serum with both ingredients) to double the benefits of wrinkle reduction, hyperpigmentation fading, and brightening.


Antioxidants help prevent and repair skin cell damage. They also protect the skin’s surface from external factors like UV rays and pollution. Two of the most commonly used antioxidants in skincare are vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C has an illuminating effect and is ideal for dullness, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. Vitamin E is ideal for dry skin and fighting damage from sun exposure.

Pulling It All Together: What Your Daily Skincare Routine Should Look Like At 40

Now that you know what skin changes to expect and the best ingredients to look for, let’s discuss how you can combine different products in order to develop a perfect, age-defying skincare routine that works best for you. It’s not just about choosing the right products, but also knowing the perfect time to apply them. Performing your skincare routines daily can increase skin regeneration, elasticity, and smoothness.

Morning Skincare Routine

Skincare doesn’t have to be complicated. Let’s start by breaking your morning routine up into four easy steps: cleanse, repair, moisturize, and protect.

  • Cleanse: Start your morning by washing your face with a gentle cleanser. A cleanser will help remove any debris that accumulated overnight. You may choose to use a cleanser that has light exfoliation.

  • Repair: After cleansing, it is time to apply your serums. Use a serum with collagen-boosting ingredients like the ones outlined above. Applying serums before moisturizing allows the skin to absorb the active ingredients more quickly and efficiently. Apply an eye cream all around the eye area that helps reduce puffiness and the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Moisturize: Once you’ve applied your serum(s), you will want to moisturize with a cream or lotion that has specific ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or niacinamides.

  • Protect: Finally, use SPF for sun protection as you go about your day. This is the most important step in your morning routine.

Nighttime Skincare Routine

While your morning routine is heavily focused on protection, your nighttime skincare routine should be focused on repair and renewal. 

  • Remove: Your first step is to remove and cleanse your face of any makeup you have on. We recommend using micellar water that simultaneously cleanses the face.

  • Exfoliate: Exfoliating can help boost collagen production, so you may choose to do this a few times during the week. You should use a gentle exfoliator.

  • Retinol: Retinol is a crowd-favorite active ingredient for nighttime routines. Retinol is an exfoliant that helps unclog pores, prevent acne breakouts, and works on wrinkles and fine lines. We recommend starting slow with retinol, but may used every night.

  • Moisturize: The last step is to apply a moisturizer that replenishes the skin. Look for a night cream that has active ingredients (such as peptides) that will help repair the skin as you get your beauty rest.  

Address Your Skin's Concerns

It is time that your skin care products start addressing age-specific concerns. If you’re in your 40s and sun damage, dullness, wrinkles, and fine lines are beginning to appear, you can rest assured that the right routine can make a difference. Plus, if this is your first time truly sticking to a skincare regimen, you should know that it is never too late to begin. Good and effective skincare relies on products, routine, and also proper nourishment from within. With this combination, your skin is set up to thrive in your 40s.

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